Our Best Egg Laying Chickens

Below is a list of our top egg laying chickens. 1. Pearl White Leghorns These are excellent layers of large, white eggs. Pearl White Leghorns are our most prolific layers. They also have an excellent feed conversion ratio, which helps to keep down the feed costs...

Brooding Day Old Chicks

Introduction There are several different ways to begin raising chickens. If you want hens that will begin producing eggs very soon, you can start with started pullets. If you aren’t in as much of a hurry and want to take part in raising them to laying age...

Barred Rocks

History Barred rocks were developed in New England in the 1800s. The Barred Rock entered the standard in 1874. The exact heritage of the Barred Rock is slightly unclear, as several people have claimed credit for developing the breed. Barred Rocks appear to have been...