- How to Keep Your Chickens Safe, Part 1 and Part 2 by Bud Wood, McMurray Hatchery president. These posts give some important and useful tips and ideas on how to protect your chickens from predators.
- The Self-Perpetuating Flock – an interview with someone who worked for 40 years to develop a flock of chickens that reproduces itself sustainably.
- Why Raise Chickens? – one of our earliest blog posts, reflects on how raising chickens benefits you, your children (or grandchildren), and society.
- Duck Eggs: Mmmm Good – duck eggs are excellent for baking.
- Easy Oven Pancake Recipe – one of our favorite breakfast recipes that uses eggs.
- Preparing Your Flock For Winter, Part 1 and Part 2 – tells how to prepare your laying hens for winter.
- Keeping The Chicken Water from Freezing – explains several ways of keeping your chickens’ waterers from freezing in cold weather. Be sure to read the many excellent comments from our readers below the article.
- 2010 Chicken Photo Contest Winners – shows the winners for the three categories of the photo contest and tells the story behind the winning photos.