‘Spring is in the Air’ Photo Contest Winners!
Congratulations to these 2018 photo contest winners in the Spring is in the Air photo contest! These winning photos will be used on our website, and in our marketing materials. The following entrants will each receive a $50 GIFT CERTIFICATE to McMurray Hatchery:
- BUFF ORPINGTON — Pictured above, top left. Entered by Teddi Yaeger.
- WELSUMMER — Pictured above, second from the top left. Entered by Debra Bostian.
- Mixed flock photo including a BUFF ORPINGTON, a RHODE ISLAND RED, a few BANTAMS, and a couple PEARL WHITE LEGHORNS — Pictured above, top right. Entered by April Neinhuis.
- Little girl with her BUFF ORPINGTON — Pictured above, left. Entered by Danielle Hattori.
- A mixed flock photo including this RHODE ISLAND RED — Pictured above, second from the bottom right. Entered by Wade Miller.
- PEARL WHITE LEGHORN — Pictured above, lower right. Entered by Hannah Gallagher.
All 2018 photo contest winners and all entrants’ photos in this contest will go on to be considered for use in our 2019 catalog, so stay tuned for those winner announcements in late October.