Now retired, Curt M. is one of Murray McMurray Hatchery’s longest-serving employees and Hatchery Manager. Curt worked for the Hatchery for over 40 years. We are thankful to have had him as a team member for over four decades, and wish him well in his retirement.
At McMurray Hatchery we’re not just a family-owned business that has been serving generations of poultry owners for over a century — our employees and customers are our family, too. In this, the third article in our Meet Our Team series, we are proud to highlight our Hatchery Manager, Curt M, who has been with the company for over forty years.
If you’ve spent enough time around baby chicks, you know it can be tough to tell one breed from each other sometimes. But, after over four decades, Curt can tell each chick’s breed just by looking at it.
During his tenure, he has held nearly every position at the company, met celebrities including Martha Stewart, and appeared in videos and television shows including Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe.
How many years have you worked at McMurray Hatchery? This is my 41st year working at McMurray Hatchery.
What position(s) have you held at the company? Everything to Hatchery Manager.
Have other family members worked at McMurray Hatchery? Yes. My wife and three kids have worked here.
What is your favorite breed? My favorite breed would be Blue Andalusians and Buff Brahmas.
Do you raise chickens or other poultry? If so for how long, and how many? I used to have White Rocks and Columbian Wyandottes as a hatching flock. Before I moved into town I always had several miscellaneous breeds running around.
What is your favorite thing about working at McMurray Hatchery? The people. And, it’s always busy — no time for boredom!
If you had one tip for new poultry owners what would it be? Use common sense. Let the birds dictate what they need.
Did you know each label of chicks from McMurray Hatchery indicates wish team member packed the order? Check your shipping label to see which of our team members carefully hand-packed yours!

Pictured Below: Curt appearing in Martha Stewart Living (Season 6, Episode 222).