When selecting a broody hen, you want a hen that will be a good setter and a good mother. Our Facebook fans helped us come up with these lists of desirable traits and behaviors.
A hen with good brooding, or setting traits …
- is protective of her nest and eggs,
- is not easily discouraged from setting,
- and will not quit the nest before the eggs hatch.
A hen with good mothering traits …
- knows where her chicks are at all times,
- teaches them to forage and dust bathe,
- protects her chicks against predators,
- is attentive to her chicks,
- nurtures her chicks,
- teaches her chicks to eat,
- will accept and care for chicks that she did not hatch,
- and protects her chicks from the rest of the flock.
What Are Your Thoughts?
What are the traits, instincts, or behaviors that you most look for in a good broody hen? And in a mother hen? Which breeds have you found to be the best setters? And the best mothers?