by Ann Accetta-Scott | Sep 9, 2024 | Ann Accetta-Scott, Book Reviews, Building Your Flock, Chicken Breeds, Chickens, Featured
Raising poultry, whether a backyard flock or free-range birds on a homestead or farm, does come with the fact that the flock will need to be freshened at some point. Of course, when new hens are brought on is determined based on your needs. As a small family farm that...
by McMurray Staff | May 2, 2019 | Chicken Breeds, Chicken Eggs
When you work at a Hatchery, it’s inevitable that someone in your family will develop an interest in chickens. I’d bet that’s how the McMurray family kept the Hatchery business going for several generations.Fluffy, cheeping day-old baby chicks are irresistible, and my...
by McMurray Staff | May 18, 2018 | Interviews, McMurray Hatchery, Recipes
PICTURED ABOVE: Tom and Ashley Watkins of McMurray Hatchery In this second article in the Meet Our Team blog series, we are talking to Tom and Ashley Watkins. Not only are they family, but they are the face of McMurray Hatchery — see photos of their flock, coop and...