“That’s So Sweet” Category Results

The final results are in for this category of the photo contest.

The Winner

Congratulations to Elizabeth Robinson! She won first place in the contest with her photo of the Buff Orpington hen and her newly hatched chick. As the first prize winner, she will receive a $100 Murray McMurray Hatchery coupon.

Photo by Elizabeth Robinson

The Buff Orpington hen in Elizabeth’s photo is the foster mother of the chick in the photo.  Elizabeth received this Buff Orpington (one of two) as a gift from her mother in law.  The hen often goes broody, so Elizabeth purchased fertile eggs locally and put them under her, and the hen hatched several chicks. This chick, a Delaware hen named Delberta, is now nearly full grown.

Second Place

Pam Hamilton took second place in the “That’s So Sweet” category of the contest with her photo of the White Cochin Bantam hen and her chicks.

Photo by Pam Hamilton

Third Place

Georgia Degitz  received third place with the photo of her granddaughter teaching Roger Rooster to crow.

Photo by Georgia Degitz

For more information regarding the contest, see

Contest Details