by McMurray Staff | Nov 5, 2018 | Chicken Breeds, McMurray Hatchery
For over a century, McMurray Hatchery has been offering the widest selection of poultry breeds and remained dedicated to preserving the quality of each breed as set forth by the American Standard of Perfection — and 2019 is no exception. McMurray Hatchery is thrilled...
by McMurray Staff | Sep 27, 2018 | Baby Chicks, Interviews, McMurray Hatchery Customer Stories, McMurray Hatchery Videos, News Coverage
This week, YouTube Homesteaders and creators on the rise, White House on the Hill, paid a visit to McMurray Hatchery. Jake, Becky, and their son Uriah were in town to tour the Hatchery and pick up their Fall meat bird order of Jumbo Cornish X Rocks. Watch the video of...
by McMurray Staff | Sep 7, 2018 | Baby Chicks, McMurray Hatchery Videos, Raising Chickens
Each year, when Summer turns to Fall, our team at McMurray Hatchery begins the annual process to hatch and raise our breeder flock for the following season. We hatch and ship day-old, baby chicks from January through October each year. It takes between 18 and 22 weeks...
by McMurray Staff | Sep 7, 2018 | Chicken Breeds, McMurray Hatchery Customer Stories
For many years, McMurray Hatchery has been a proud supporter of 4-H projects across the country. Each Spring 4-H’ers across the country order their day-old baby chicks from our hatchery and raise them for projects or to show at their county and state fairs. This year,...
by McMurray Staff | Jun 22, 2018 | Contests
2018 Father’s Day Rooster Photo Contest Winners! Congratulations to these entrants in the 2018 Father’s Day Show Us Your Rooster photo contest! These winning photos will be used on our website, and in our marketing materials. The following entrants will...