by McMurray Staff | Jun 20, 2018 | McMurray Hatchery, McMurray Hatchery Videos
In our first episode of McMurray Hatchery Live, our Vice President Tom Watkins shows viewers around during a typical Hatch Day. Tom shows us around our shipping room, hand-packs a baby chick order, answers viewer questions and gets a visit from his family. Topics...
by McMurray Staff | May 18, 2018 | Interviews, McMurray Hatchery, Recipes
PICTURED ABOVE: Tom and Ashley Watkins of McMurray Hatchery In this second article in the Meet Our Team blog series, we are talking to Tom and Ashley Watkins. Not only are they family, but they are the face of McMurray Hatchery — see photos of their flock, coop and...
by McMurray Staff | May 11, 2018 | Chicken Breeds
If you’ve been raising chickens for a while, you know that there are some breeds — or even just some hens — that tend to go ‘broody’ more than others, and, some breeds that make better mothers than others. With Mother’s Day approaching, we thought it would be a good...
by McMurray Staff | Apr 20, 2018 | Chicken Breeds, Chicken Eggs, Chickens
The popularity of backyard farming is growing at a rapid pace. More and more, families are looking for healthy, sustainable options including raising chickens for fresh eggs. A majority of the baby chicks and started pullets we sell at McMurray Hatchery are intended...
by McMurray Staff | Feb 28, 2018 | Chickens, Ducks, Raising Chickens, Waterfowl
The continued rise in the popularity of homesteading and sustainable living has led to an increase in awareness for raising pastured poultry. Pastured poultry is a sustainable technique where flocks are raised on pastures, as opposed to indoor confinement, for humane...