by Ann Accetta-Scott | Mar 27, 2022 | Ann Accetta-Scott, Baby Chicks, Chickens, Homesteading, Poultry Health, Raising Chickens
Off-grid living is on the rise, and so is chicken keeping! However, chicks purchased online or in a feed store need supplemental heat to keep them warm. So, how do off-gridders provide the necessary heat for keeping chicks warm? Here are my top 10 tips for brooding...
by McMurray Staff | Sep 7, 2018 | Baby Chicks, McMurray Hatchery Videos, Raising Chickens
Each year, when Summer turns to Fall, our team at McMurray Hatchery begins the annual process to hatch and raise our breeder flock for the following season. We hatch and ship day-old, baby chicks from January through October each year. It takes between 18 and 22 weeks...
by McMurray Staff | May 27, 2010 | Baby Chicks
Water is essential for any living thing. When starting baby chicks, or any animal, providing water and food are the most important things to ensure their survival. Here are a few tips regarding that will help you get your new baby chicks off to a good start. Tap water...