The First Order

I remember walking a trail in one of our recent trips to the Smokey Mountains, Pigeon Forge,Tennessee to be exact.  The promise of our friends and guides, experienced visitors to the area, was a tremendous waterfall nearly a mile and half from our starting point.  If...

Using Electric Poultry Netting

One of my favorite tools for containing chickens and ducks is electric poultry netting.  This type of fencing goes by several names, such as “electric poultry fence,” “electroplastic netting”, or “electric mesh netting”. One of the...

Duck Eggs are ‘Mmmm, Good’

A lot of folks turn up their noses at the idea of eating duck eggs. When I was young, I did too.  But if you’ve never tried them, you don’t know what you’re missing. We recently asked our Facebook fans what they thought of duck eggs. Over 100 people...

Why Raise Ducks?

Ducks are easy to raise, and there are a number of good reasons to raise them.  According to Dave Holderread, author of Storey’s Guide to Raising Ducks, they are “one of the most versatile and useful of all domestic fowl.” As a meat bird, ducks are...