by McMurray Staff | May 4, 2018 | Interviews, McMurray Hatchery
PICTURED ABOVE: McMurray Hatchery President and Owner, Bud Wood, in our recently restored 1940 Dodge truck that was used by the Hatchery in the 1940s and 1950s. McMurray Hatchery is a family-owned business that has been serving generations of poultry owners for...
by McMurray Staff | Mar 26, 2018 | Events, McMurray Hatchery, Poultry Equipment
This month the McMurray Hatchery team was honored to be invited to present at the Iowa Organic Association’s On-Farm Poultry Processing workshop. The event brought together poultry owners from across the state to learn about everything from regulations on selling...
by McMurray Staff | Feb 28, 2018 | Chicken Breeds, Contests, McMurray Hatchery
Congratulations to our February contest winner, Jessica Szachury. Her Whiting True Blue photo is the winner in our February 2018 Tinted Egg Layers photo contest. Jessica will receive a $50 gift certificate to McMurray Hatchery. Click here to see all the entries in...
by McMurray Staff | Feb 9, 2018 | Baby Chicks, Feeds and Feeding, Guidelines, Raising Chickens
If you’re like us, raising chickens is a rewarding experience. For over a century we’ve been shipping boxes of fluffy day-old chicks to farms, homesteads, and even urban homes across the country. Our team carefully hand-packs each order carefully in our custom...
by McMurray Staff | Nov 10, 2017 | Chicken Breeds, Chicken Coops, Chickens, Contests
The 2018 Murray McMurray catalog will be landing in mailboxes late December / early January. Our sincerest thanks to all who have participated in our photo contests this year, and in previous years. We are thrilled to be able to feature so many great photos submitted...