by Holly Callahan-Kasmala and Chrisie DiCarlo | Feb 9, 2023 | Backyard Chickens, Chickens, Coffee with the Chicken Ladies, Guest Articles, Heritage Breeds
The Plymouth Rock chicken is one of the most popular breeds in the US, and they have a strong following in the rest of the world as well. They’re a beautiful dual-purpose breed that is as much at home on a small farm as they are on the show table. The name, Plymouth...
by Holly Callahan-Kasmala and Chrisie DiCarlo | Dec 11, 2022 | Backyard Chickens, Chicken Breeds, Coffee with the Chicken Ladies, Guest Articles, Heritage Breeds
The Orpington is one of the best known breeds amongst chicken keepers both old and new. They’re a Heritage breed success story, and a very good option for brand new chicken ladies and men. The Orpington spent some time on the Livestock Conservancy’s Conservation...
by Holly Callahan-Kasmala and Chrisie DiCarlo | Oct 26, 2022 | Backyard Chickens, Chicken Breeds, Chickens, Coffee with the Chicken Ladies, Guest Articles, Heritage Breeds
The Andalusian is a bird for the true chicken connoisseur. They are stunningly beautiful, outgoing and intelligent, curious and energetic, and zesty enough to keep you on your toes. This hardy Heritage breed is very good at several different jobs. They’re excellent...
by Holly Callahan-Kasmala and Chrisie DiCarlo | Sep 16, 2022 | Backyard Chickens, Chicken Breeds, Chickens, Coffee with the Chicken Ladies, Guest Articles, Heritage Breeds
What are you looking for in a chicken? Are you looking for a friendly breed that is an excellent layer? A hardy, dual purpose homestead chicken? Pretty enough to be a show bird, and fancy enough for a chicken lady’s back yard? A good forager who will turn over your...