by McMurray Staff | Jan 1, 2025 | Backyard Ducks, Duck Breeds, Ducklings, Ducks, Featured, Guest Articles, Missy Irish
My love of ducks started with my stomach. As a young girl, I vividly remember my dad, grandpa, and uncles coming home with colorful mallards hanging upside down in their hands. We’d fry up the hearts and livers in butter right away, and a few days later, we’d enjoy a...
by Cassidy Cornell | Mar 15, 2023 | Backyard Ducks, Backyard Poultry, Cassidy Cornell, Duck Breeds, Ducklings, Guest Articles
When we moved to our new house, I knew that I wanted to bring home some baby ducklings as soon as we were set up for them. I have always loved ducks. As an avid baker who prizes their eggs, I’ve dreamed of having my own small flock of layers for years. Because I...
by McMurray Staff | Sep 1, 2022 | Duck Breeds, Ducks, Featured, Waterfowl
In the fall as our chick season begins to slowly wind down, but duckling season is still in full swing! Next to chicks, ducklings are the next favorite among our customers and a common next step on the road to owning more birds and/or livestock. Ducks lay highly...