by Holly Callahan-Kasmala and Chrisie DiCarlo | Aug 1, 2024 | Backyard Chickens, Backyard Poultry, Chicken Breeds, Chickens, Coffee with the Chicken Ladies, Guest Articles, Heritage Breeds
The Rhode Island Red is the quintessential American chicken, and is arguably one of the most famous breeds in the world. A true dual purpose bird, they were a mainstay of homesteads and small farms throughout most of the twentieth century. Rhode Island Reds are...
by Dr. Brigid McCrea | Apr 4, 2024 | Chickens, Dr. Brigid McCrea, Guest Articles, Poultry Health
Poultry red mites are a type of external parasite that infests chickens. They conceal themselves within the chicken coop surroundings and reproduce quickly. These mites survive by feeding on the blood of chickens and can even cause their death. Learn how to prevent...
by McMurray Staff | Jan 6, 2024 | Backyard Chickens, Backyard Poultry, Chicken Coops, Chickens, Education, Featured, Gail Damerow, Guest Articles
Cold stress in winter can affect a flock’s health. Continuing our interview series with Gail Damerow, poultry expert and best-selling author, we query her regarding winter health considerations for chickens. What is cold stress? “Cold stress occurs when a...
by Holly Callahan-Kasmala and Chrisie DiCarlo | Sep 16, 2022 | Backyard Chickens, Chicken Breeds, Chickens, Coffee with the Chicken Ladies, Guest Articles, Heritage Breeds
What are you looking for in a chicken? Are you looking for a friendly breed that is an excellent layer? A hardy, dual purpose homestead chicken? Pretty enough to be a show bird, and fancy enough for a chicken lady’s back yard? A good forager who will turn over your...
by Janet Garman | Jul 22, 2022 | Chickens, Ducks, Gardening, Geese, Guest Articles, Janet Garman
Picture this…You plant your garden seeds and starts right on time. You have a brigade full of the best fowl for gardens, and they do a fantastic job of making your life easier as a gardener. The ducks and geese are thorough weeders, and they love to make a meal of all...