by McMurray Staff | Aug 2, 2018 | Chicken Eggs, Chickens, Gail Damerow, Guest Articles, Interviews
When you raise chicks to start a laying flock, it may seem to take forever before you see their first eggs. So how long do you have to wait until your hens start laying? “That depends on the type of chickens you choose,” says poultry expert Gail Damerow. “Chickens...
by McMurray Staff | Jun 8, 2018 | Interviews, McMurray Hatchery
Now retired, Curt M. is one of Murray McMurray Hatchery’s longest-serving employees and Hatchery Manager. Curt worked for the Hatchery for over 40 years. We are thankful to have had him as a team member for over four decades, and wish him well in his retirement....
by McMurray Staff | May 4, 2018 | Interviews, McMurray Hatchery
PICTURED ABOVE: McMurray Hatchery President and Owner, Bud Wood, in our recently restored 1940 Dodge truck that was used by the Hatchery in the 1940s and 1950s. McMurray Hatchery is a family-owned business that has been serving generations of poultry owners for...
by McMurray Staff | Aug 17, 2010 | Interviews
Chad Sale has been farming in North Carolina, and has raised poultry most of his life. He currently raises about 700 chickens, ducks, turkeys, and quail. As a child, Chad used to spend a lot of time on his grandparent’s farm. Chad’s great-uncle, who lived...
by McMurray Staff | Jul 30, 2010 | Homesteading, Interviews, Raising Chickens
Barbara Chatterton-Luuring and her family are starting a homestead in Machias, Maine. They moved there from the Netherlands about a year ago and began raising chickens for the first time this Spring. They are starting a homestead on three acres with a flock of 45...