by McMurray Staff | Mar 1, 2023 | Backyard Ducks, Ducklings, Ducks, Gail Damerow, Guest Articles, Waterfowl
Ducks hardly ever get sick and rarely suffer from the same body parasites as chickens. But ducks do occasionally experience health issues. Continuing our interview series with Gail Damerow, poultry expert and best-selling author, we ask her to discuss health concerns...
by Janet Garman | Feb 20, 2023 | Ducklings, Ducks, Guest Articles, Janet Garman, Waterfowl
Baby ducks are cuter than a bug’s ear, but what should ducklings eat? There are many commercial products available that will meet the nutritional needs of ducklings. However, you must also take into consideration how to support optimal bone growth in your baby ducks...
by McMurray Staff | Sep 1, 2022 | Duck Breeds, Ducks, Featured, Waterfowl
In the fall as our chick season begins to slowly wind down, but duckling season is still in full swing! Next to chicks, ducklings are the next favorite among our customers and a common next step on the road to owning more birds and/or livestock. Ducks lay highly...
by Janet Garman | Jul 22, 2022 | Chickens, Ducks, Gardening, Geese, Guest Articles, Janet Garman
Picture this…You plant your garden seeds and starts right on time. You have a brigade full of the best fowl for gardens, and they do a fantastic job of making your life easier as a gardener. The ducks and geese are thorough weeders, and they love to make a meal of all...
by Ann Accetta-Scott | Feb 21, 2020 | Ann Accetta-Scott, Chickens, Ducks, Guest Articles, Homesteading, Raising Chickens, Waterfowl
Raising chickens with ducks is achievable and ideal for those with limited space. When building a chicken coop make sure to plan the space accordingly for both species. Also, chickens and ducks can consume the same type of poultry feed, herbs, and natural supplements....
by McMurray Staff | Feb 28, 2018 | Chickens, Ducks, Raising Chickens, Waterfowl
The continued rise in the popularity of homesteading and sustainable living has led to an increase in awareness for raising pastured poultry. Pastured poultry is a sustainable technique where flocks are raised on pastures, as opposed to indoor confinement, for humane...