by Janet Garman | Jun 8, 2022 | Heritage Breeds, Homesteading, Janet Garman, Meat Birds, Production Breeds, Turkeys
Now that you know a bit more about the differences between Heritage and production turkey varieties, the fun part begins! Whether you are working on a small backyard parcel or a large homestead with acreage, deciding which types of animals to raise is always an...
by McMurray Staff | Apr 4, 2022 | McMurray Hatchery, McMurray Hatchery Alerts, Poultry Health
HPAI QUICK LINKS: For information on Avian Influenza and shipping updates visit the FAQ at Questions or concerns may be directed to For information on basic biosecurity for poultry owners, click here to visit the USDA...
by Janet Garman | Mar 27, 2022 | Featured, Heritage Breeds, Janet Garman, Production Breeds, Turkeys
Homesteading often includes one decision after another, and one choice that many people find themselves pondering is deciding between Heritage and production turkeys. What is the difference between the two? Are Heritage turkeys better in regards to nutrition? What...
by McMurray Staff | May 30, 2021 | Contests
2021 Chick Days Photo Contest Winners Congratulations to these entrants in the 2021 Chick Days photo contest! These winning photos received the highest number of votes by our customers and will be used on our website and in our marketing materials. The following...
by Janet Garman | Apr 5, 2021 | Chicken Breeds, Guest Articles, Janet Garman
Choosing Bantam chickens for your backyard flock can be an excellent choice for urban and suburban neighborhoods. In fact, anyone who wants a hardy, small chicken with a good disposition will be pleased with the Bantam chicken’s good temperament. Among the many...