As part of our ongoing commitment to Standard bred poultry and preserving Heritage breeds, we are excited to share that we have expanded our number of APA Certified flocks for the third year in a row. This season, certification has been renewed for our Buff, Partridge, and Silver Penciled Plymouth Rocks, White Langshans, White Naked Necks, and White Polish. McMurray Hatchery is excited to announce that our Lakenvelders and Dominiques are both APA Certified flocks this season as well.
In order for APA Certification to take place, our flocks are regularly visited and evaluated by an APA Certified judge. This certification means that our flocks are bred to Standard, making them excellent foundation stock for our customers who are looking to expand their own breeding programs or dip their toes into the wonderful world of poultry exhibition.
As we embark on our 108th hatching season, we are proud to partner with the APA once again in the hopes of bringing awareness to Standard bred chickens while showcasing the high quality poultry that we produce. In a world where quantity often reigns supreme over quality, that couldn’t be further from the truth here at McMurray Hatchery.
Newly certified for the 2025 season,


White Langshan

Buff Plymouth Rock

Partridge Plymouth Rock

Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock
These stunning birds are the perfect combination of elegance and practicality. Silver Penciled Rocks are one of the more rare, and arguably one of the most beautiful, Rock varieties. These birds are highly prized for exhibition purposes, and our APA Certified flock maxes for excellent foundation stock. Silver Penciled Rocks are also known for their valuable feathers, which are ideal for fly-tying and crafting.
As a dual purpose Heritage breed, these birds bring both meat and eggs to the table. Like all Rock varieties, hens are good layers of brown eggs. They are known to be friendly and have a good disposition, making them an ideal for 4H exhibitors.
These friendly birds have something to offer all types of chicken keepers!

White Naked Neck

White Polish

Feature photo courtesy of Nina Mullins. Other images courtesy of Nina Mullins (Dominique, Buff Rock, Lakenvelder), Meghan James (Partridge Rock), Susan Trukken (White Langshan), and McMurray Hatchery Staff (Silver Penciled Rock, White Naked Neck, and White Polish.)
Tom’s Thoughts on APA Certification
“McMurray Hatchery is thrilled to continue working with the American Poultry Association. As a very long time member, we are continuously working towards the same goal: preserving and maintaining quality purebred poultry. Having multiple certified flocks speaks to our legacy as breeders and conservators of what makes chickens great. Diversity, quality, and respect for our animals and their unique attributes. After all, birds of a feather flock together. Thanks to the APA for their continued presence in the poultry world and setting the bar in excellence.”
-Tom Watkins, President of McMurray Hatchery