As part of our ongoing commitment to Standard bred poultry and preserving Heritage breeds, we are excited to share that  we have expanded our number of APA Certified flocks for the third year in a row. This season, certification has been renewed for our Buff, Partridge, and Silver Penciled Plymouth Rocks, White Langshans, White Naked Necks, and White Polish. McMurray Hatchery is excited to announce that our Lakenvelders and Dominiques are both APA Certified flocks this season as well.

In order for APA Certification to take place, our flocks are regularly visited and evaluated by an APA Certified judge. This certification means that our flocks are bred to Standard, making them excellent foundation stock for our customers who are looking to expand their own breeding programs or dip their toes into the wonderful world of poultry exhibition.   

As we embark on our 108th hatching season, we are proud to partner with the APA once again in the hopes of bringing awareness to Standard bred chickens while showcasing the high quality poultry that we produce. In a world where quantity often reigns supreme over quality, that couldn’t be further from the truth here at McMurray Hatchery.


Newly certified for the 2025 season, the Dominique is a distinctly American Heritage breed. The Dominique predates the Plymouth Rock, as it is one of the foundation breeds used to develop the Plymouth Barred Rock.

The Dominique has a rose comb, medium-sized body, prominent tail, and black and white barred plumage. Hens are non-setters and are good layers of large brown eggs. While the Dominique is considered to be dual-purpose bird, its use is primarily as an egg laying breed. These are friendly birds, and they thrive in a free-range setting. Today, the Dominique is considered a rare breed. However, their numbers have stabilized, earning them a ‘Watch’ status from The Livestock Conservancy.


In Dutch, the word Lakenvelder means “a shadow on a sheet” — a perfect name for this small white breed, which is draped in black on the neck, wings, and tail.

Lakenvelders are quite small when mature, weighing just 4-5 lbs. They are very quick and active birds that will happily forage widely if allowed to roam.

Hens are reliable layers of white eggs, and are known to generally be non-setters. Baby chicks are mostly cream and white with a half-collar of black on their neck, a sprinkling of black on their head and back, and a dark tipped beak.

White Langshan

Langshans are a feather-legged Heritage breed that originated in China. These gentle giants have an excellent disposition, and are smaller and more active than other Asiatic birds.

These stunning birds are one of our oldest breeds, with records showing our flock dating back as early as 1919. White Langshans were admitted into the Standard of Perfection in 1893. Today, they are very rare and are listed as ‘Threatened’ by The Livestock Conservancy.

Hens are good brown egg layers and are very likely to set. Males are tall and stately with swooping tails and a calm, docile demeanor.

Buff Plymouth Rock

The Plymouth Rock is an American Heritage breed developed in the 1800s. The Plymouth Rock was considered rare in recent years, but due to conservation efforts, the breed successfully graduated from The Livestock Conservancy Priority List in 2023. Today, the Plymouth Rock is a top choice as a sustainable Heritage breed for backyard keepers and farmers alike.

If you are searching for beautiful Standard-bred stock, our APA Certified Buff Plymouth Rocks are an excellent choice. These birds are a gorgeous golden-buff color from head to toe. Their brilliant yellow legs and beak, bright red comb and wattles, and gorgeous golden plumage make these truly remarkable birds stand out wherever they are. 

Partridge Plymouth Rock 

Partridge Plymouth Rocks were a later developed variety of the breed, added to the Standard of Perfection in 1910. They were developed by crossing the Plymouth Rock with a variety of breeds including Dark Cornish, Wyandottes, and Brown Leghorns.

Partridge Rocks are truly stunning birds, and our line is no exception as one of our APA Certified flocks. Both sexes have a predominance of deep reddish-bay feathering. Females have intricate black penciling on each feather. Males have rich red hackles with black shafts and flowing, lustrous greenish-black tails. Baby chicks are a soft burgundy color with a slightly darker head and stripes on their backs.

Partridge Rocks carry the same desirable traits as other Plymouth Rocks. They are hardy, even tempered, and hens are good brown egg layers — even in colder weather.

Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock 

These stunning birds are the perfect combination of elegance and practicality. Silver Penciled Rocks are one of the more rare, and arguably one of the most beautiful, Rock varieties. These birds are highly prized for exhibition purposes, and our APA Certified flock maxes for excellent foundation stock. Silver Penciled Rocks are also known for their valuable feathers, which are ideal for fly-tying and crafting.

As a dual purpose Heritage breed, these birds bring both meat and eggs to the table. Like all Rock varieties, hens are good layers of brown eggs. They are known to be friendly and have a good disposition, making them an ideal for 4H exhibitors. 

These friendly birds have something to offer all types of chicken keepers!

White Naked Neck 

This unusual Heritage breed gets its name from the lack of feathers on its neck. Naked Necks — sometimes called Turkens — are unique birds with sparse feathering around their neck, breast, vent, and under their wings. In spite of this feather shortage, Naked Necks are surprisingly hardy and withstand cold weather very well.

The White Naked Neck is our newest variety of the breed. The Naked Neck was accepted into the APA Standard in 1965. Our staff worked diligently on this flock, and all of the hard work certainly paid off! The White Naked Neck is one of our original APA Certified flocks. With their snow-white feathering, tidy bow ties, and bright red combs, these stunning birds will certainly delight fanciers looking for quality foundation stock.

White Polish

The Polish is a European breed known for their distinctive crests, or top hats, and their large cavernous nostrils. Their upright head crests are attributed to what is called a vaulted skull. Polish are gentle and docile birds, but their crests limit their vision, which can cause them to be timid and easily startled. Polish hens are decent white egg layers and rarely go broody. 

With their snow-white crests and round, pure white bodies, our APA Certified White Polish look like snowballs. This is, by far, one of the daintiest prettiest of the Polish varieties. Baby chicks are creamy white. They are frequently kept by families, hobbyists, and for exhibition.

Feature photo courtesy of Nina Mullins. Other images courtesy of Nina Mullins (Dominique, Buff Rock, Lakenvelder), Meghan James (Partridge Rock), Susan Trukken (White Langshan), and McMurray Hatchery Staff (Silver Penciled Rock, White Naked Neck, and White Polish.)  


Tom’s Thoughts on APA Certification

McMurray Hatchery | Poultry Experts | Tom Watkins“McMurray Hatchery is thrilled to continue working with the American Poultry Association. As a very long time member, we are continuously working towards the same goal: preserving and maintaining quality purebred poultry. Having multiple certified flocks speaks to our legacy as breeders and conservators of what makes chickens great. Diversity, quality, and respect for our animals and their unique attributes. After all, birds of a feather flock together. Thanks to the APA for their continued presence in the poultry world and setting the bar in excellence.”

-Tom Watkins, President of McMurray Hatchery 

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