by McMurray Staff | Sep 23, 2022 | Backyard Chickens, Chickens, Gail Damerow, Guest Articles, Poultry Health
When chickens scratch and peck at themselves excessively, you can be pretty sure they are being irritated by external parasites. Continuing our interview series with Gail Damerow, poultry expert and best-selling author, we ask her for tips on dealing with external...
by McMurray Staff | Jul 17, 2022 | Chickens, Gail Damerow, Interviews, Poultry Health
Marek’s disease is a common and contagious illness that affects domestic chickens worldwide. Continuing our interview series with Gail Damerow, poultry expert and best-selling author, we ask her for details about Marek’s disease. What Is Marek’s disease?...
by McMurray Staff | Jun 16, 2022 | Chickens, Education, Gail Damerow, Meat Birds, Poultry Health
Chicken breeds raised for meat often develop health issues that are less common among other breeds. Continuing our interview series with poultry expert and best-selling author, Gail Damerow, we ask her about special health considerations when raising chickens for...
by McMurray Staff | Apr 26, 2022 | Chickens, Education, Gail Damerow, Interviews, Poultry Health
Bumblefoot is a fairly common condition causing lameness in chickens, ducks, and other birds. Continuing our interview series with poultry expert and best-selling author, Gail Damerow, we ask her for details about bumblefoot. What is bumblefoot? Bumblefoot refers to...
by McMurray Staff | Apr 4, 2022 | McMurray Hatchery, McMurray Hatchery Alerts, Poultry Health
HPAI QUICK LINKS: For information on Avian Influenza and shipping updates visit the FAQ at Questions or concerns may be directed to For information on basic biosecurity for poultry owners, click here to visit the USDA...
by Ann Accetta-Scott | Mar 27, 2022 | Ann Accetta-Scott, Baby Chicks, Chickens, Homesteading, Poultry Health, Raising Chickens
Off-grid living is on the rise, and so is chicken keeping! However, chicks purchased online or in a feed store need supplemental heat to keep them warm. So, how do off-gridders provide the necessary heat for keeping chicks warm? Here are my top 10 tips for brooding...