by McMurray Staff | Jan 6, 2024 | Backyard Chickens, Backyard Poultry, Chicken Coops, Chickens, Education, Featured, Gail Damerow, Guest Articles
Cold stress in winter can affect a flock’s health. Continuing our interview series with Gail Damerow, poultry expert and best-selling author, we query her regarding winter health considerations for chickens. What is cold stress? “Cold stress occurs when a...
by Janet Garman | Sep 15, 2021 | Baby Chicks, Chickens, Janet Garman, Raising Chickens
Our thoughts on brooding Fall chicks have changed over our years of chicken keeping experience. We were strongly in the Spring chicks camp for most of our chicken tending days, until the last two years, when we tried bringing chicks in later in the Summer. When the...
by Amy Fewell | Dec 4, 2020 | Amy Fewell, Chicken Coops, Chickens, Guest Articles, Homesteading
Winter is here and I need to think about the things to do to start preparing my chicken coop and chickens for their winter chicken coop set up. Wait, what? I have a winter set up and check list for my chickens? Why yes, yes I do! And it might be something you...
by McMurray Staff | Dec 5, 2017 | Chickens, Raising Chickens
Chickens are entertaining. They are full of personality and after just one look through Facebook or Instagram’s #ChickensofInstagram, it’s no surprise that their endearing antics are cause for their increasing popularity. It doesn’t take long for a new chicken owner...
by McMurray Staff | Oct 30, 2017 | Chicken Coops, Poultry Equipment, Predator Control, Raising Chickens, Uncategorized
[nextpage title=”Top 10 Tools for Cold-Weather Coops”] As cold weather sets in across much of the U.S., the leaves are falling, days are shorter, and the nights are longer and colder. The National Weather Service is predicting a colder than normal winter...